Morse code

Morse code transliterators exist all over the web, but there are many more languages in Morse and many rules that very often get left out of these pages.

Encoder / Decoder


Choose a version of Morse and type away.

Why Morse?

This script is an ongoing attempt to encompass all (or at least a few) the wonders and romance of the Morse family, among its features are:

  • - It supports original Morse code, Wabun, German and Russian codes, as well as the (ITU) international standard in use today.
  • - It can support a full range of customizable separators. Old morse used a double length dah for the letter L and the German version used a dah four times long for zero.

Invalid characters are omitted, and with the default settings one space separates letters and two separate words.

  • For example:

    The plaintext



    H E L L O  W O R L D

    And with the replacements (in ITU):

    .­.­.­. . .­-­.­. .­-­.­. -­-­-  .­-­- -­-­- .­-­. .­-­.­. -­.­.

    In old morse it would be:

    .­.­.­. . —— —— .­_.  .­-­- .­_. .­_.­. —— -­.­.

    As you can see there is a third character to represent the old values such as long dash and longer dash, you can change these using the More Options button.

  • Other examples:

    For the German word


    In "Gerke" railroad morse is:

    .­.­-­- -­.­.­. . .­-­. -­- . -­. .­.­. -­-­-­-

    In Russian morse the word for hello "здороваться" is:

    -­-­.­. -­.­. -­-­- .­-­. -­-­- .­-­- .­- - -­.­.­- .­.­. .­-­.­-

    In Japanese Wabun code bye or "サヨウナラ" (Sa Yo U Na Ra) would be:

    -­.­-­.­- -­- .­.­- .­-­. .­.­.

    Note that only Wabun has limited support for latin characters, Russian and German morse will transliterate some letters but not all characters can be covered.